Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Site Where Greatwall Met Yellow River - Laoniu-wan

Fortress of Laoniu-wan situated in the county of Pian-Guan in Shanxi bordered by Huanghe to Inner Mongolia, was built in year 1467 as a military garrison in Ming Dynasty. It is the core of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Mongolia Great Canyon and a vintage point where China's greatest symbol, Great Wall encountered its mother river Huanghe. The 100 meters wide Yellow River calmly flowing against the scenic canyon with an ancient cave dwelling homes setting irregularly on the loess cliff, offering a memorable backdrop for our entire traveling experience.

The beautiful sight of Cave Dwelling Homes in dramatic landscape by the side of the silky turquoise Yellow River.

The settlement had long been abandoned but they are an essence to the gorgeous scenery at this part of The Old Ox Bay.

A mesmerizing sight of silky Yellow River.

Yellow River appears as if a long satin belt laying beneath the sky.

A distance view of Inner Mongolia that is bordered by Yellow River.

Yellow River at its extremely slow pace in Old Ox Bay.

Vast Yellow River peacefully and quietly cutting through precipices of the loess plateau and ragged terrains along its way down to Shanxi.

The water begins to appear in emerald color at this section of Yellow River.

The hollow brick-built fortress standing lonely with its former dignity, on the loess cliff silently overlooking the exceptional calm Yellow River, is a relic inherited from Ming Dynasty.

Yellow River is not always yellow.... it could be blue and it could be green. You may witness it at Laoniu-wan.

A landmark where the two great symbols of China, Great Wall and Huanghe met.

The Great Wall of China at Laoniu-wan was not built across the Yellow River going westwards as other part of the nation, instead it stretched parallel along with the flow of Yellow River, continued towards south.

The ancient Great Wall remains from far was part of the landscape in Laoniu-wan as the structure was built up entirely with locally produced yellow loess.

The Great Wall that borders Inner Mongolia and stays side by side with Yellow River, stretches towards south direction.

A spectacular view of greenish Yellow River sight at Inner Mongolia site.

A perfect postcard setting sight!

Magnificent scenery of loess cliffs and terrains at the side of Inner Mongolia over the other bank of Yellow River.

An inherent beauty!

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